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Dilemma-based learning
DiBL overview

A full learning platform for you to create an engaging facilitated learning experience with game elements.

An easy-to-use visual creator

Own platform to deliver your content

Tool to access and export your data

Administration of users and access

Start now, and put your first DiBL online within 1/2 hour.

Collaborative choose your own adventure


Make it interative

Single choice

Choose one answer. The option with most votes opens up its branch and/or change variables affecting the universe.

Multiple choice

Pick from several options. The most favoured choices cna change variables that may impact the universe.

Free text

Participants share a free text to plenary so everyone, which is visible to everyone unless the facilitator decides to delete it.


Evaluate the various free-text answers. The one with most votes comes out on top.


You facilitate and unfold the journey… But the participants are in the drivers seat to decide what braches to follow.


Provide richer experiences with variables to control flow and experience: Open new branches, balance different variables across a scenario, or use it to count score.


Make it look nice

Engage users in a rich universe with images & videos

Text: Write a text in a friendly user interface with the formatting you know.

Rich media: Use images, embed videos or gif animations to make the experience come alive.

Linking: Include external sources for participants to seamlessly explore at just the right time.

Mode: Decide whether to show information in plenary and/or participants.

Localisation: Make your DiBL available in more languages with our tool.

Customize: Make the experience yours with a logo, background. Font and colours.


Make it collaborative

DiBL is a shared universe, where you collaborate.

Roles: Teams can take on different roles that they play from.

Team info: You can share different information to different teams.

Group questions: Ask teams to work with individual assignments.

Team play: Collaborate to find the best solution and/or compete with different agenda.


Deploy and Track

Quick deployment and easy to get data

Easily publish your DiBL and either run it privately or create a link to share with the world, so everyone can run it.

All data is capture anonymously for a participant in each session, and can be exported in .csv or .xlsx format.