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Dilemma-based learning
DiBL overview

A full learning platform for you to create an engaging facilitated learning experience with game elements.

An easy-to-use visual editor

Our own platform to deliver your content

Tool to access and export your data

Administration of users and access

Get started now, and put your first DiBL online before you know it.


Empower Facilitators to Involve Participants

DiBL provides many benefits otherwise only found in custom high-end digital solutions.


Include and activate all participants through their own devices, where they actively vote and participate throughout.

Shift focus

Seamlessly shift between plenary, group, and individual forms of engagement, to increase variety, and tailor each part to your educational needs.

Quickly create

Quickly create, distribute, and update materials, using our simple and intuitive web creator and editor.

21st Century skills

Built-in critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and communication.

Just facilitate

Easy and fast for facilitators to start and run sessions. No onboarding or preparation required – just push the start button.

Online security

Privacy by design is built in, participants are anonymous for a safe experience, and we are GDPR compliant.

Collaborative choose your own adventure


Make it interative

Single choice

Choose one answer. The option with the most votes decides what happens next, and/or changes variables affecting the scenario.

Multiple choice

Distribute a number of votes among multiple options. The option with the most votes decides what happens next, and/or changes variables affecting the scenario.

Free text

Participants submit one or more free-text answers to a word cloud or list of answers, which (unless removed by the facilitator) are visible to everyone.


Participants vote on submitted free-text answers. The one with the most votes can be referred back to later.


Participant answers affect the course of the scenario, and it’s up to them to decide what happens next, and, eventually, how the story will end.


Provide richer experiences with variables: Balance different numeric scores across a scenario, reflect the goals of different groups and interests numerically, count an overall score for all users, or have early choices determine branching at a later point.


Make it look nice

Engage users in a rich universe with images & videos.

Text: Write and edit text in a user-friendly interface with all the familiar formatting options.

Rich media: Use images, embed videos or gif animations to make the experience come alive.

Linking: Include external materials for participants to explore seamlessly, at just the right time.

Mode: Decide whether to show information on the common screen, or individually on user devices.

Localisation: Make your DiBL available in more languages with our localisation tool.

Customize: Personalize the experience with your logo, custom backgrounds and graphics, and your defined fonts and colours.


Make it collaborative

DiBL is a shared, collaborative universe.

Roles: Teams can take on different roles, informing their interests and perspective.

Team info: You can share different information with different teams.

Group questions: Give teams individual assignments, and potentially different scores.

Team play: Have all participants collaborate on finding the best solution, or have teams with different agendas compete with each other.


Deploy and Track

Quick deployment and easy to get data

Easily publish your DiBL, and either run it privately, or create a link to share with the world, so everyone can run it.

All data is captured anonymously for each session, and can be exported in .csv or .xls format.