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Higher Education

Diversity and bias dilemma game on teaching situations in academia

Reflection and learning on how to tackle diversity and bias dilemmas in teaching situations.


KU Health science department


Higher Education


KU – Educators in Academia


Reflection and learning on diversity and bias in teaching situations

Reflection and learning on diversity and bias in teaching situations for academic staff members.

All members of the academic staff have at some point in their lives experienced a discriminating situation either intentional or unintentional in a teaching situation be it either in a classroom or face to face with students.

This dilemma game is part of a large course on diversity and bias in teaching situations for academic staff and has the players reflect on their own actions in given difficult situations based on what they have learned in the course.

The aim of the game is to make the academic staff better prepared for and aware of potential problematic situations and how to handle them.

There are no right or wrong answers. The important thing is to give each other room to listen and understand each other’s points of view.

You can play KU Diversity and bias dilemma game both as single-player and multiplayer.

“We make your learning experiences come alive through dilemmas”

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen


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